Eventbrite / Marketo Integration


Eventbrite / Marketo Integration

While Eventbrite has a great integration with Salesforce.com, it would be great if there was an integration with Marketo directly so all the tracking can be more easily retained.
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Is there Eventbrite integration with Marketo? We also have a lot of offline events and use eventbrite primarily and cvent for our largest events.
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I'd also like to know when the expected date of an EventBright integration. I'm currently looking for an event management solution and EventBright suits our needs nicely.
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Likewise, we need eventbrite integration.
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Is the EventBrite integration still in the planning process?
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Also interested in this.  can you confirm it is still on the roadmap?
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Yes the EventBrite integration is still on the roadmap.  It was lowered in priority to accomodate  other features such as performance.  I will update the post when I have a better idea of when we can deliver.
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Has there been any further update on this as yet?
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Hello Cheryl. The EventBrite integration is very high priority. How soon can we get visibility of a timeline?
Thank you
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I will update the post when I have a better idea of when we can deliver.
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I'd like to add to this. Personally i don't care where the functionality comes from - Marketo or Eventbrite - as, to be honest, Marketo currently cannot support any events with limited capacity.

I'd prefer it to come from Marketo yourself, given that it is less integrations and improves the value of your system.

The bare minimum requirements:
  • The possiblity to limit capacity
  • An auto-generated waiting-list that auto-fills event when people unsubscribe
The nice to have:
  • An easy way to unsubscribe (eventbrite does this with a user profile, also eases the barriers)
  • Auto-generated e-mail flow that are generic / standardized (which can be switched on/off)
  • Customizable level of information requirements
The breaking point:
  • The ability to have paid / unpaid events.
I've dropped you an e-mail on this as well, and would love to participate / contribute as much as i can to get this feature a.s.a.p.