Eventbrite / Marketo Integration

Eventbrite / Marketo Integration

While Eventbrite has a great integration with Salesforce.com, it would be great if there was an integration with Marketo directly so all the tracking can be more easily retained.
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Other than accepting payment, we have abandonded using eventbrite as our event tool.  With the new Marketo event app and a clonable registration process we are miles ahead of using Marketo ->SF -> Eventbrite -> SF - > Marketo. One less integration and stuff to go wrong.

Just my two cent worth.


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I am new to Marketo, so forgive me - but I was under the impression that the Marketo event app did not allow for you to set a maximum capacity? That is our primary reason for using Eventbrite - no marketing automation tools in the past allowed us to say "No more than 30 people can register for this event" and I was under the impression Marketo was no different. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
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We have implemented the capping process in Salesforce campaigns/Marketo Events where we set a limit and get notificiations when an event is at 95% full via limits, rollup fields and SF workflows.

Once an alert is triggered we start monitoring registrations and make an executive decision on opening a second event reg and replace the landing page with a re-direct to either "its full, sign up next time" or to an alternate reg process.

I would rather have the lead tracking information and tagging the lead than the small amount of work it is to do for the campaign management especially since most of it is clonable.

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That would not work for us as it is not unusual for us to have more than 2 dozen events going on every week. Having alerts trigger at the 95% mark and then "make a decision" on each of these each week is not practical or feasible. Eventbrite will allow us to set the cap, and then we have to do no other work - once the cap is reached, a waiting list is created. As capacity opens up, people are automatically moved from the waiting list.

If you are an event-heavy organization - particularly physical events where capacity is a major issue - nothing short of a fully realized event partner like Eventbrite is going to do the trick, IMO.
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Add me to the list of people wanting Eventbrite integration.
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*bump* *ditto*
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Let me join in and say that we too need an Eventbrite integration since the offline events management in Marketo is so subpar. We need to cap events, be able to charge for some and so on.

Basically Eventbrite is the best app for offline event management out there and until Marketo steps up the game and get some of those awesome features we get from Eventbrite today we need an integration.
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If you want to discuss your requirements for an EventBrite integration and offline event management, please email me before the end of the week (10/5/12) and I will schedule a session to discuss - cheryl@marketo.com
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We agree, would be ideal to have an Eventbrite integration.  We used the Marketo event managment recently and ran into a lot of synching issues.  Please let us know if there is an update on this.

Carly Brantz

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Hi Carly,

I'd like to hear more about the syncing issues that you ran into using Marketo.  Did you use the iPad check in app?  If there is an issue with our software, I would ideally like to fix the solution, rather than have you use another software provider.
