Event check in app for iPad

Event check in app for iPad

It would be nice to be ablle to
a) Add fields to the app. Currently they are fixed and full customization is not required, but for example zip code is missing
b) Extend the time window beyond 7 days for when an event is available in the app prior to the date of the event

Not applicable
One thing you could do for B is widen the start/end dates of the event in Marketo to a couple weeks before and after the actual dates.  Kind of tedious but it should at least keep the event visible on the app longer.
Not applicable

I just heard about this app today, and it's terrific -- but agree that customization is needed.  We track additional pieces of data (guest count, guest name, what unit a buyer owns), that is preferrable to be displayed as opposed to the out-of-box fields.

Additionally, I was informed you can add names to the event on the fly, but it would be good if there could be a merge step in the interim.  We have several accounts where the same email addresses is associated with multiple buyers.  Instead of overriding the wrong account, or creating needless duplicate accounts, it'd be great to have some kind of wait and review step in the interim to review the data.

Not applicable

Field customization is a requirement for me, and to be able to capture leads via scanner too

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Status changed to: Open Ideas