Enhancing Marketo Reporting: My Wish List for Improved Insights

Enhancing Marketo Reporting: My Wish List for Improved Insights

While standard KPIs are useful, many marketers know that more granular insights are crucial for understanding what truly impacts performance. Currently, I’m manually compiling additional data into a separate spreadsheet because Marketo’s reporting doesn’t provide certain key details.


Here’s (some of) what I’d love to see improved in Marketo reporting:

  • A/B Test Details: Instead of aggregating A/B test results into a single data line, a report option to separate A/B test performance would be incredibly helpful. This would provide a clearer view of what’s working.
  • Email Send Timing: Adding columns to automatically track the exact time, day, and day of the week that emails are sent could reveal timing trends impacting engagement.
  • Email Details: The ability to include specifics like Subject Line, From Name, From Address, and email size or character count would offer valuable context for analyzing performance.
  • Email Type Tagging: If we could tag emails as “Operational,” “Nurture,” “Newsletter,” "Event Invitation," etc., then pull reports based on these categories, it would eliminate the tedious task of inputting each program in a report individually.


With these enhancements, I could more easily identify trends, understand audience preferences, and optimize our campaigns—all without the manual data collection.