Enhance the Email Invalid function


Enhance the Email Invalid function

We have hundreds of leads in Marketo whose email addresses are not valid and their Email field actually has a squiggly red line under the Email field value and hover text that explains the value has an incorrect format and provides an example (screen shot below); however, none of these leads have their Email Invalid field value set to 'true'.  Marketo should set the Email Invalid field value to 'true' on those leads it recognizes as having an invalid email address.


When we attempt to send an email to leads with one of these invalid email addresses, a Email Bounced Soft activity record is created whose Detail field is 'System send failure: To address parse error...' or 'System send failure: Email injection error'.  It's nice that Marketo intercepts these and actually doesn't send them, but since they aren't sent, they never have a Category 2 Hard Bounce, which currently is the only case where Marketo will automatically change the Email Invalid field value to 'true'.

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Status changed to: Open Ideas