Email Performace Report to include number of Form Submissions


Email Performace Report to include number of Form Submissions

I have used a different automation platform (not as awesome as Marketo, of course ) where I was able to pull an email performance report that included the total and unique number of form submissions that came in through the landing page linked through the email (not form-based but logic connected to coming from the email, to the landing page and then filling out the form). This was beneficial in being able to analyze not just how effective the open and click through rates were, but also the conversion rate from the email. I understand this information can be viewed on the landing page performance related to conversion rate on the landing page, but being able to connect that conversion to the email was invaluable.

At this point i need to pull two separate reports and consolidate them in order to see a full picture of my email performance. Hopefully others might find this useful!

Level 10

It is somewhat tedious that you have to pull 2 reports right now, but we hope to improve this with new analytics explorers we'll be rolling out. You'll also see additions to the recently released Email Insights, which was just rolled out.

Level 2

Do you know the date of that expected roll-out?

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas