Sorry, I probably should have worded it differently. I mean the asset id. Each email asset has its own 'id" similar to how a program or campaign does. But we are not able to dynamically pull that ID using a token unlike the program id and campaign id. This seems weird to me because when you get bulk exports of activity/email data, they are broken out by email id.
Obviously this isn't documented anywhere in Marketo. Did you ever think about writing a book about all of the undocumented information that's stored in your head (and some of it sprinkled here on the community and on your blog)?!
This is fantastic. I've been looking for this for ages.
Is there a way to set a variable that pulls the Asset Name? For example, email asset 311 is named Prospects_ThankYou_Spring19
#set( $AssetId = $mktmail.xMarketoIdHdr.split(":")[5] ) gives me 311 when I use the $AssetID variable.
How can I set a variable $assetName that inserts Prospects_ThankYou_Spring19 instead? I'm trying to automate some of our UTM campaign tags, and our data team wants the Asset Name, not the asset ID.