Don't count email clicks that occur before or a few seconds after email delivery

Don't count email clicks that occur before or a few seconds after email delivery

I've been having a lot of problems lately with email probes auto-clicking links in my emails. The community has suggested some solutions, like filtering on web page visits, but the munchkin tracking code doesn't run 100% of the time.

I think a better solution would be if Marketo, at a system level, provided an option where we could ignore email clicks that happen either before an email is delivered, or within 30 seconds of delivery being reported. That way, I can continue using "clicks email" triggers and not have to worry about additional filters or flow steps to account for probes.


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Sorry, downvoted.  This is not how you keep deep link scanning from affecting your analytics.  I've described the solution several times here; you could set up an alternate tracking server while you're waiting for Marketo to change its implementation.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas