Documentation on sync between Marketo and MSD CRM


Documentation on sync between Marketo and MSD CRM

It would be really, really nice to have some documentation on the sync between Marketo and MSD CRM.  Specifically, it would be great to know the basic assumptions that Marketo makes about the MSD CRM fields that enable functionality in Marketo.  

Here are a few examples of things that have slowed down our implementation because we're learning them by trial and error:

(1) In MSD CRM, the Owner of a Lead/Contact record can be either a Team or a Person.  The "owner" fields in Marketo only populate if the Owner in MSD CRM is a Person.  (Would have been nice to know since we were setting the Owner to a Team.)

(2) In MSD CRM, the Potential Customer of an Opportunity can be either an Account or a Contact.  Marketo does not support "Contact" as a potential customer; only "Account" is supported. (Again, would have been nice to know since we sometimes set the Potential Customer to a Contact.)

(3) When syncing a field to Marketo that is on both the Lead and Contact entities, need to make sure the field has the same Display Name on both the Contact and Lead (not just the same Field Name) or else 2 fields will be created in Marketo instead of just 1.  Just to clarify, Display Name is not the label name on the form.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni
I agree, this is sorely needed.  I realize the majority of Marketo's customers use SFDC.   But those of us on other CRM platforms - like MS Dynamics - often feel left out when it comes to proper support.  Even when Marketo gives presentations (such as the ones recently at Summit), they refer to CRM as "SFDC".  There's a whole other segment of us that don't use SFDC.
Not applicable
Hi Kristie, 

Thanks for sharing those. I'm sure many people will find that helpful. If you run into any others, or if you have any questions yourself, please feel free to post them in the Marketo Community. I'll be checking for them as often as possible. 

Best regards,
Not applicable
Hi Dan,

Thanks for sharing that with us. We definitely want to know how our customers feel, so that we are able to address each issue appropriately.  

I understand why that would make you feel "left out" a bit. I want to personally assure you that all of our customers, regardless of CRM, are each valued here at Marketo. 

In regards to Microsoft Dynamics CRM customers specifically, we wish to provide the highest level of service to each of them. While the majority of our documentation is SFDC related at this time, we are fully dedicated to increasing our Dynamics documentation as well. 

In the meantime, please feel free to post any questions/comments/conerns here in the Marketo Community. Either myself, or one of my colleagues will respond. You can also have a case opened with Marketo Support. We are also happy to help in any ways. 

Best regards,
Level 10 - Champion Alumni
Thanks Chris!
Not applicable
Sure thing! 
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas