Document the difference between legacy forms and forms 2.0

Document the difference between legacy forms and forms 2.0

It's been a while since I have created a new form much less embedded it, so I searched the Community for "Embed Form".  The "Embed Form on Your Website" help article ( didn't explain that this applied to Forms 2.0 only, and I was confused when I tried to embed an existing legacy form.  The icon appearance and different menu choices between legacy forms and Forms 2.0 are confusing and there should be some way to help people understand this. 

I tried to find something in the Community that would help me understand if this difference was something new with Forms 2.0, but found nothing.  I suggest that the applicable Forms 2.0 help articles be updated with a disclaimer that they apply only to the new forms and point to the applicable legacy form article where appropriate (e.g. embed a form on your website).

Also, perhaps the icon for Forms 2.0 should have a "2" on it or something to differentiate it and its behavior from legacy forms.

Or better yet vote for the Convert old forms to the new 2.0 forms  Idea!
Not applicable
The designers did a brilliant job with the new Forms 2.0.  Here are some differences I noticed:
  • Fieldset module
  • Richtext module
  • Ability to add logic for dynamic thank you pages
  • Handful of styling themes now available to choose from
  • More intelligent configuration of fields, such as their value lists and labels
  • Placement of fields is more intelligent, and there are now a few more options (e.g. flush left/right)
  • Ability to add logic for visibility of fields and fieldsets
Not applicable
Hello Elliott,

Thank you very much for your feedback. We have made it very easy for you to find all documentation for forms 2.0. If you look at our current Forms Deep Dive page, any and all articles indexed there are for Forms 2.0.

I love the idea you linked us to, I will vote for it and be an advocate for it internally here at Marketo.

I hope this helps!


I am glad you are enjoying the new Forms 2.0! Our goal was to delight our customers and it's nice to hear/see some excitement around the new functionality.
Not applicable
Reza, I did review the Forms Deep Dive page and its articles, and as you said, they are all about Forms 2.0.  However,  the legacy form documentation is no longer available and the similar documentation for Forms 2.0 doesn't explain that it is only for Forms 2.0 and provide a link to the appropriate legacy forms documentation. 

For example, the. "Embed Form on Your Website" help article ( does not address legacy forms.  There used to be a Put a Marketo Form on a Non-Marketo Page help article that was applicable to the legacy forms, but that is no longer there, so those of us with legacy forms, no longer have information on how to embed them in a page. 

Please add back those help articles that are still applicable to existing legacy forms and/or update the Forms 2.0 help articles with a link to the corresponding legacy forms help article.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas