Different CNAMEs for each Workspace

Different CNAMEs for each Workspace

My company is running different workspaces for our clients. But when I create Landing Pages within the individual workspaces, the top level domain/universal CNAME is rewards.product.com. For example: http://rewards.product.com/ClientBusinessName.

The lovely support team says this feature isnt available yet, let's get it added!
Level 5
so if landing page is marketing.enkata.com/xyz and i put marketing.uptick.com/xyz as a link in email when they go to page they will see marketing.uptick.com/xyz in their browser address bar not the actuall URL of the landing page which is marketing.enkata.com/xyz?

so i don't choose which domain when i create landing page- i just change the URL i use in emails and on my website?

okay, thanks. but still a drag i have to do that and can't just decide which domain when i build the landing page since i normally just cut and paste from the URL area of page.
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Status changed to: Open Ideas