Define which value (i.e. Created field) to keep when merging leads


Define which value (i.e. Created field) to keep when merging leads


After merging some leads, I discovered that although we can define which value we want to keep in some conflicted fields, when merging these leads together, more fields are merged together without my consent on which value to keep.

One of them is the field "Created". When merging two leads together, a Conflicts window opens up, but there is no mention on which Created date to keep. When merging,  it changes the Created date to the most recently created lead and, therefore, to the most recent Created date. However, Marketo has not given me the chance to decide on which one to keep.

Although in some cases we want to keep the latest data, in some, such as the first date which this lead became known in Marketo, we do want to keep the oldest one. The current way leads are been merged is not the desired behavior.

It would be nice to have the possibility to decide which value we want to keep for each field when merging leads.

Thank you!


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