Data format normalization for smart campaigns

Data format normalization for smart campaigns

I've seen a couple ideas regarding changing case on names and the like, so this idea could probably get merged together with those.

What I would like to see is a flow step function to normalize a qualifying lead's data based on smart campaign logic, such as changing ALL CAPS entries into a string field like First/Last Name from disparate sources into Title Case, lower case, Sentence case, or whatever criteria we think necessary.

A natively-supported flow step like that would be like a handful of ibuprofen for the headache of database hygiene. 
Not applicable
RingLead has a new webhook for data normalization to be called Data Shield. The listing should be live on Launchpoint tomorrow. The webhook can be called on New Lead is created as well as on data value changes.

You can examine the 61 available settings here.
Not applicable
That's exactly the kind of solution I was thinking of, Gregg. Thanks for posting it.

I'd still love to see Marketo do some of this data wizardry natively, but I know how powerful Ringlead's suite of tools can be.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas