Customize the "Score" fields included on the Sales Insight Score tab


Customize the "Score" fields included on the Sales Insight Score tab

Currently only changes to the Lead Score field show on the Sales Insight Score tab.  We would love to be able to see custom Score fields on that tab, such as Behavior Score, Demographic Score, and Product-specific scores, so that Sales can see what's influencing these scores.
Not applicable
It would be great to see this as an option along with the ability to show/hide the score fields that you want to see.
Level 8 - Champion Alumni
This would be a really great thing to implement!
We are now building a system for 5 different products, and the way SI works now makes it rather useless for the purposes of multiple products scoring. 
Not applicable
This is a necessity, we have multiple brands, multiple products and multiple countries and it's insane to think the total lead score would ever be an accurate measurement across all those different scenarios and for the users to actually understand why something was made Sales ready.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas