Custom Tokens That Reference Custom Object Fields

Custom Tokens That Reference Custom Object Fields

Please make it possible to use my tokens that reference custom object fields in flow steps. For example, we have email address fields under a custom object that we'd like to send alerts to when updates occur to the custom object.

Level 8 - Community Advisor

It will be really nice to have these tokens available as merge fields in email as well. There are cases when we wanted to add some personalized information int he email that we are capturing in these custom objects.

Also, since custom objects have one to many relationship, we should have option to choose specific custom object record based on additional filter criteria and should be able to filter out further based on created date/last modified date etc.



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Velocity tokens can access COs for dynamic email content. That's their most common use.

Level 8 - Community Advisor

I agree to that point but for that one needs to have good understanding of Velocity script which become bit more technical. Having the functionality available on UI will make everyone's life easy.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

I don't think such a "code generator" is feasible. Anybody using COs should have a dev who can write VTL. Now, having Velocity tokens work in web pages and webhooks -- and having tokens as a whole be interpreted in flows -- that's an idea I can get behind!

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Status changed to: Open Ideas