Inside the default HTML window in the "Show Custom HTML for Known Leads" setting, there is a token called: {{form.NotYou: default=Not You?}} This works awesome if you only want to present a single button to the known lead (i.e. Download Whitepaper) and then show the "Not You" link so they can reset the page/form. However, if you need the user to fill out additional fields (i.e. Event Meal Preference) or want to give them the option of changing values in any fields (phone, address, etc), then you have to build out custom JavaScript on your form/landing page to present a "Not You" link.
It would be great if this token that Marketo is using inside of the "Show Custom HTML" option could be reusable throughout the Design Studio (HTML blocks in forms, landing pages, snippets, etc) as it would save a LOT of time and customization when setting up forms that need more than just a download button.