Community "Showcase"


Community "Showcase"

I'd like to see a showcase section of the community that allows members to post mini case studies of successful programs.

Ideally this would be somewhat structured to highlight features / methods used, provide links to live instances (or archived documentation if timebound) and potentially even start documenting code/flow steps, etc.

I wouldn't mind sharing some items to speed people up and would love to leverage when applicable - realizing that we use at our own risk and have to fit our individual environment - but why start from scratch!
Not applicable
This is a great idea! At the Seattle user group, we'll often have people show off their successful programs and show the guts of how everything was built. This is great for those who attended the meetings, but would be cool to see what the rest of the community is up to in this fashion, especially with the documentation you suggest. Love it!
Not applicable
We've done this a few times on the Champion calls, too, and I love it!
Not applicable
This would be great, particularly for the folks outside of user group cities (so jealous of you, Jeff and Delinda!). I agree, there's no need for us to reinvent the wheel - inspiration from other user's processes would be much appreciated. 
Level 7
I would really like to see this.  
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas