Combine Email Performance and Email Link Performance Reports

Combine Email Performance and Email Link Performance Reports

I currently spend a significant portion of my time pulling metrics on newsletters from Marketo, this involves me inputting information twice - once in the Email Performance tool and once in the Email Link Performance tool, after this I take the relevant numbers and include them in a pdf along with a screenshot of the newsletter to send to a client. Overall each report takes at least 15 - 20 minutes, taking into account Marketo can be a little slow at times.

For the many people out there that have to send performance metrics on ads to clients I think you could really improve the method by combining both tools in the one report and having the option to export a template report with the impressions and clicks on each link, along with perhaps a screenshot of the newsletter. It would definitely boost my efficiency anyway! Hope to see this tool available soon. Thanks.

Level 10

I think you'll find that our upcoming email reporting tool is a welcomed improvement and will likely have what you need.

Not applicable

That sounds great, I look forward to using it. Thanks for the response and heads up!

Not applicable

So looking forward to it. When is it becoming available? Thanks.

Level 10

Spring release.

Not applicable

Sounds great!! Will look forward to it.

Level 3

Has this become available yet?

Community Manager
Status changed to: Under review