Clone Program Remove leads from all Static Lists


Clone Program Remove leads from all Static Lists

We use Static lists as a reporting stage for our programs. It isn't integral to our functionality, but it is a nice-to-have to ensure we know how many people arrived at a given status, even if they've moved on to a later one.

However when you clone a program, you clone none of the members of that program, but you retain all leads on static lists.  It would be great if those lists could be wiped clean on cloning. right now my campaign manager has to remember to remove all people from each list. Which if we're doing a webinar in 6 languages, 4 lists per webinar campaign (invited, registered, attended, no show), that's 25 times she has to remember additionally to remove people from lists. She's pretty good about it, but I just noticed she didn't do it for a whole series of webinars, so now I'm writing campaigns to remove all the old members.

It would be great if this could be fixed at a cloning process instead of dealt with manually.

Level 10
This is so true.  
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas