Clarify Marketo's "Salesforce" admin page when logged in with OAuth

Clarify Marketo's "Salesforce" admin page when logged in with OAuth

When the instance has OAuth enabled for the SFDC sync (which is all new instances by default), the Salesforce admin page still shows a "login with Salesforce" button after the sync user is logged in and while the sync is still active. This may be confusing to an admin user who may believe that the sync user is no longer logged in, or there is otherwise an issue with the sync.


It appears that the Disable Sync and Edit Sync Options in the gray bar at the top may indicate that the sync is set up. However, it could be helpful/clearer to include a message such as "Currently logged in as [user sync name]" and/or changing the button to "log in with different SFDC user" or otherwise showing a different experience in the admin page between when the sync is not yet set up and when the sync is active.