Change "Web Page" to "Web Page URL" in "Visited web page" filter and "Visits web page" trigger

Change "Web Page" to "Web Page URL" in "Visited web page" filter and "Visits web page" trigger

I sometimes find that the way the "web page" constraints is labelled i confusing to some users, because it seems to refer to the content of the page, not it's URL.


So my proposal is to just label the constraint "Web Page URL" instead of "Web Page"


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Yeah, but then it also suggests (incorrectly) that the query string is part of value. Problem is there isn't a friendly name for "URL without query string".

Level 10

Hi Sandford,

We could have a warning at the bottom of the trigger/filter saying "Query string element will not be taken into account" or something similar. there are already such warnings on other filters triggers (such as "archived after 90 days").


Level 10 - Community Moderator

How about "Web Page includes the host, path, and hash, like, but not the query string."

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Yeah, I think you have to specifically call this out.  If you make the warning too generic, then there will be additional confusion when adding the "querystring" constraint.

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Status changed to: Open Ideas