Campaigns - executing flow


Campaigns - executing flow

I think that when a campaign is running, we should be able to see how many leads have been processed as it is running. Right now in the run history and in the statusyou are just shown that it is executing the flow and (# leads qualified).

If I look to the results tab to find this information, I get each item that is completed. So then I have to figure out how many items per lead and divide that to get a good guess as to how many leads have been processed.

It would just be a helpful feature ro add so that when I'm running campaigns with big numbers of leads I can feel like I have more control over what's happening when and I can estimate when campaign runs will be completed.
Level 10
Hi Kim,

I think if you look at the campaigns report in the analytics tab, you can view the leads that are processed and those in  wait step. 
Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it