Better Way to Remove Multiple Emails Published to Sales Insight/Outlook

Better Way to Remove Multiple Emails Published to Sales Insight/Outlook

With so many emails being published to Sales Insight, is it possible to:
1) identify (maybe colored checkmark on email icon) to show all emails published to Sales Insight in each campaign
2) Show all published Sales Insight Emails and their use in a report
3) Unpublish MULTIPLE Sales Insight emails at once by unchecking boxes (similar to report setup)
Level 6 - Champion Alumni

Colby - we had hundreds if not a thousand plus at one stage

Level 1

This doesn't work for me either - i see the MSI identified - but there is NO way of filtering by it.

This urgently needs adding, and the mass publish and unpublish need adding in to this functionality!

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas