Allow the use of tokens within Smart Lists of Smart Campaigns


Allow the use of tokens within Smart Lists of Smart Campaigns

Currently, tokens are only permissible within the Flow Steps of Smart Campaigns (in some instances, even that's not possible - and you must hard-code the actual value).  It would be a huge time-saver - especially as we templatize our programs - if tokens could also be used within the Smart Lists (triggers and filters) of Smart Campaigns.

Level 10


Added there:


Not applicable

Allowing tokens in smart lists would also allow us to build logic comparing the values of one field to another, making Marketo way more powerful.  So, in my scoring ranking I would not have to use SFDC to work out which is the highest solution score if I could compare the scores.

Not applicable

Can't stress this enough. I am also pushing Marketo, especially @Justin Cooperman, Justin Cooperman,​ to allow us to control flow steps based off of attributes on the triggered object, not just conditions on the lead, or Has Flow. The idea there, is imagine I am an ecommerce company, and I want to send an email every time an order ships. So assuming "Order" is a custom object, the trigger becomes "Added to Order", then the flow steps might be wait 2 days, and then check to see if that Order has "Status" = "Shipped", this could be done using a token or the ability to control flow steps with the triggered obejct attributes

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Can't you achieve this today - by triggering off of the "Added to Order" Boolean value?  Or "status" = "shipped" value.  I'm not following where tokens in the smart list would help you here.

Level 10

Brad wants to inspect fields on the trigger object from within the flow steps, not in the SL. Because if there are intermediate wait steps, those values may have changed (warranting different behavior). Context is needed within the flow steps of the nurture campaign being executed so this cannot live in the SL. Our engineers really like this feature and are looking into it as we speak.

Separately, I'll look into what's possible within SLs. I think it's possible that there are some technical challenges there.

Not applicable

You have my vote! It's annoying that you can be dynamic in the trigger, but not the filter portion for the smart list within the smart campaign. Not very 'smart' in my opinion

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Tokens (by themselves) can't be used in Triggers either.  However, there is a workaround here:

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

YES!!  Just dealing with this today...

Level 10

One of the usages here would be to limit searches with a token, so being able to use a field token in the "date of activity" constraint of any filter:



Level 2

I was just trying to do this assuming it was possible and sadly found out it was NOT. This would be huge for our needs.