Allow "open in new window" for "Fields Used By" links

Allow "open in new window" for "Fields Used By" links

It would be great if in Field Management, under "Fields Used By", you could open the campaigns/smartlists in new windows/tabs. Often times you want to open and view multiple campaigns at once, and right now without that ability it's quite tedious to look through multiple campaigns/smartlists from Field Management.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni
This is a great idea.  I'm currently trying to get a list of active campaigns that are using a particular field we need to swap out and each time I try to copy/paste I keep accidentally clicking on the campaign and it directs me away!  Needless to say, compiling this list has been a very annoying and tedious task.  I would love to be able to export the asset name, asset type (smart list, active batch, active trigger, etc.) so I can easily identify where I need to make changes.  Even having the capability to do something similar through Campaign Inspector would be great as well.
Not applicable

This is something I wish Marketo would add as well! The quickest way I have found to work through this is to copy the Field Used By list the old fashioned way of highlighting them all with your mouse, then paste the list into a spreadsheet. This way you can work through the dependencies on a field systematically. Add a coma prior to the parentheses and periods and save it as a csv and reopen. That way you have, for the most part, a way to sort the field dependencies by program, program element, and type. Just copy and past into search and it should quickly bring you up the program to jump in to.

Level 10

Not having this cause enormous wastes of time. Example : you want to edit all the landing pages that use a same form. The task of "new window" will very significantly increase the time it takes.

Another idea that seems very tactical but would contribute to reduce frustration.


Not applicable

This is the biggest time-waster for an admin/consultant trying to clean up a Marketo instance.  Essential admin tool.

Level 10

Hi Erica Harris​,

When talking about time wasters, have you had a look at this : Just do it! Marketo so-called minor missing features


Not applicable

Yes, I saw it.  GREAT article, thanks!

Level 1

So the idea have not been implemented since 2014? Quite frustrating...

Level 10

Hi Alexandra,

I am afraid it will have to wait until the New GUI is released, next year.


Level 9

I would love this soooo much!

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas