Allow multiple levels and/or nested conditional logic (choices) within flow steps

Allow multiple levels and/or nested conditional logic (choices) within flow steps

Occasionally, we'll run into a situation that requires more complex logic in our smart campaigns that what Marketo allows.  Our only choice is to create multiple smart campaigns.  Instead, it would be great to have multiple levels (two would be a good start) of choices within a flow step of a smart campaign.  For example, a single "Send Alert" flow step might look like this:

If Telemarketing MQL is TRUE

  • If country is US
    • send telemarketing alert to US marketer
  • If country is UK
    • send telemarketing alert to UK marketer

If Event MQL is TRUE

  • If country is US
    • send event alert to US marketer
  • If country is UK
    • send event alert to UK marketer

Alternatively, but slightly less structured, it could even look like this:

If Telemarketing MQL is TRUE


If country is US

  • send telemarketing alert to US marketer

If Telemarketing MQL is TRUE


If country is UK

  • send telemarketing alert to UK marketer

If Event MQL is TRUE


If country is US

  • send Event alert to US marketer

If Event MQL is TRUE


If country is UK

  • send Event alert to UK marketer
Marketo Employee

Dan, you can currently accomplish this by creating Smart lists external to the campaign and referencing them via the Member of Smart List condition.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Kenny, how would that be accomplished for this specific use-case: within our lead lifecycle workflows/campaigns, our desire is to have a single/central smart campaign that can be requested from any campaign that needs to send a real-time alert to the appropriate marketing manager.  There are two variables here: type of alert (fast-track from event, fast-track from teleprospecting, lead score, etc.) and country.  Today, we have to create/maintain separate smart campaigns to do this - for example, below is the one related to teleprospecting. 


Marketo Employee

For each condition set, you create a smart list and set that as your flow step condition, Member of Smart list is my list:

If Telemarketing MQL is TRUE


If country is US

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Now I see.  Essentially, we would need to create 23 smart lists for each type of alert.  We have 5 different types of alerts.  So that would require 115 smart lists (rather than a single flow step with 23 choices (and 5 conditional sub-choices). Appreciate the suggestion, but I'm still keeping this Idea active 😉

Level 10

I agree the workaround does work but can be cumbersome

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas
Marketo Employee
Status changed to: No plans to build

No plans to add multiple conditions per step choice, but as noted previously there a re few ways to accomplish this use case, and the upcoming execute campaign feature should make implementing this type of logic, by configuring one set of choices in the calling campaign, and one set in the child campaign.



  • If Event MQL is TRUE
    • Execute Campaign: Send Region Appropriate Event Alert
      • If Country is US
        • Send US alert
      • If Country is UK
        • Send UK alert