Allow for Salesforce default currency value to be used in RCE reporting

Allow for Salesforce default currency value to be used in RCE reporting

Currently when reporting in RCE on amount fields the value used for the amount from Salesforce is the value in the opportunity currency. This means that when reporting on multiple opportunities you get a mixture of different currency values in one column. This makes it very challenging to report on Revenue Won, Revenue Expected, Piepline Created, Revenue to Investment, for FT and MT.

This idea is to map these calculations to use the "Amount (Converted)" field value from Salesforce which would keep all these reporting values in the org' corporate currency. In our case this is AUD.

There must be other Marketo customers that use multicurrency in their SFDC orgs that also use RCE and cannot get this reporting functionality to work when they are paying a premium for it.

Support's suggestion was to export into excel and re-calculate everything. This would be a nightmare.

Please let me know if you need more information.


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Status changed to: Open Ideas