Allow Custom Object Fields for Web Personalization Campaign

Allow Custom Object Fields for Web Personalization Campaign

Use Case - Stock Recommendation



To show relevant buy/sell stock recommendation based on buyers watchlist option chosen in the website.


Fields to be Used:

Custom Object: Account Securities

Custom Field: InWatchlist

Custom Field: SecType


Use Case Scenario

If InWatchlist is Yes and has the SecType Containing specific counter want to show a banner for the user with buy/sell  in the website.


If user has the counter Sectype DelMonte in Watchlist

SecName: DelMonte

InWatchList: Yes

Then show the Delmonte Banner in web campaign for that particular user

(In Future we wanted to make the text within banner to be dynamically updated from the data sets from custom objects)


Current Issue:

Since we are unable to import Custom Objects within the Account Database (below is screenshot) we are unable to identify that particular user has added the specific counter to his watchlist. And due to the same we  are unable to fire the relevant web campaign.