All Company records visible via API

All Company records visible via API

It has come to my attention that some Company records remain in the database, but are not visible any longer, even via the API. This is the use case:

  • A lead gets created with some Company fields populated (e.g. via a form fill). To store these Company values a record is created on the Company table, with the externalCompanyId remaining blank. This is much the same as modern CRMs like Salesforce and Dynamics work.
  • If the lead goes stale and gets deleted from Marketo the Company record actually remains behind and is not deleted along with the person record.
  • These Company records with a blank externalCompanyId are not accessible via the normal REST API endpoint and can therefore not be deleted in any way.

With a native integration this can of course be managed via the native sync and in most cases these ghost records are simply clutter and not in the way of anything. However, with custom object connections this can sometimes cause problems when something unexpected happens.

It would be great if simply all Company records are available via the API so proper housekeeping can be maintained.