Adding the ability to throttle number of emails sent an hour

Adding the ability to throttle number of emails sent an hour

Maybe this is on the radar, but what if there was an easy way to limit/throttle the number of email sent per hour? Something in the admin section that could be managed. Our previous email provider allowed us to do this and set a limit and was very helpful, particularly when I have multiple marketing people sending out emails.  
Not applicable
I have this issue everyday.  Instead of allowing my emails to be sent all at once, I end up having to split the lists up using "random sample" and scheduling the sends 2x a day, 3 days a weeks.  This helps me to ensure the number of fresh leads being delivered to our sales team is never more than they can respond to.
Not applicable
I agree with Patty and fully endorse her suggestion.

Some email servers (within one domain, say, are configured to raise the spam score when they detect is a large volume of incoming messages from the same sender.

The random sample allows to split into smaller blocks, mitigating that risk.

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Status changed to: Open Ideas