I would like to add Japanese fonts to Rich Text Editor. The current editor only contains Western fonts. I can define fonts in css but most people in Marketing don't know about css.
Hitoshi, since a font can't be embedded into an email, we only provide web-safe fonts. However, this would be a good idea for landing pages where the font can be embedded so we've added that to our longer-term roadmap.
Isn't it just used as a "suggested" fonts in font-family in the html style? Most users are using MS Windows and it would be nice to have MS Windows default Japanese fonts listed there. It shouldn't be that difficult to implement - just allow users to edit font list so it'll show up in the selection box.
Japanese Outlook's default font is "?? ?????" .
There's a problem with using font containing single kana character in their names when using iso-2022-jp encoding because the encoding doesn't support single kana characters. However, Marketo is using UTF-8 encoding in their emails as well and there's no option to change encoding, so there shouldn't be problems with fonts.
Also, I'm not talking about custom fonts but default fonts. Fonts are copyrighted so most users don't embed fonts.
I'm also trying to add Google fonts we use on our website to the rich text editor so I can have a seamless look to Marketo landing pages we create...haven't been able to figure this out yet.
Am I understanding correctly that there is no current way to do this?
It really is a pain to need to hand-code Japanese font-family specifications into each landing page and email. In Japanese I think it is fair to say that font designations are either "Serif" or "Sans Serif" due to the complexity and long history of Japanese fonts and their lack of compatibility as pre-installed fonts between platforms. I am pretty sure that most people would be sufficiently satisfied if we could simply have a Serif (Mincho) or Sans Serif (Gothic) font selection. For example, a good Sans Serif specification would be:
font-family: "Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN", Meiryo, sans-serif;
which guarantees a clean font in both Windows and Mac. But simply specifying "sans-serif" doesn't return as clean of a result, meaning that the current "Arial" selection doesn't quite cut it. Now that Marketo has Japanese language support and a Japanese subsidiary, "Maybe One Day" should probably be today. 🙂
Jon, just wanted to make sure you know that we added support for MS PGothic back in October 2014. Does that address what you're looking for? Thanks, Ei-Mang
Ei-Mang, yes, I am aware that MS P Gothis is available. However, MS P Gothic is not a universal font, and does not exist on Macs unless the user purchased MS Office separately. (Not to mention that MS P Gothic is not a very pretty font.) Unfortunately there is no such thing as a universal font that is available on both Windows and Mac, which is why I suggested the above font-family ruleset which works well. (Meiryo is beter than MS P Gothic, but you could substitute the two for Windows.)