Add More Control the "Convert Lead" Flow Action


Add More Control the "Convert Lead" Flow Action

Currently the "convert lead" flow action seems to work off the inherent functionality Salesforce offers:
-Create a New Contact
-Create a New Account
-Create a New Opportunity

While I can understand its going to be difficult to "dedupe" in this process, I would like to control whether or not an Opportunity is created upon this action.  What are the scenarios we'd want to see this?

-SFDC Customers that don't use Leads and want everything to automatically become an Account/Contact
-SFDC Customers that use PERSON ACCOUNTS who want to automatically create a person account without an opp (or with an opp, but given the choice)
Not applicable
There is another scenario that requires a full control of conversion, in this case being able to convert a lead WITHOUT creating an opportunity.

In many organisations, leads that are pushed to salesforce are the ones that need qualification by sales / telesales. Once this qualification is done, either the leads should be converted to an opportunity by the sales or they should be converted without opportunity if the leads are not proving to be real business.
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Got my Vote here!!! Lets go marketo
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A must for us to properly leverage the "Convert Lead" functionality.
Not applicable
This is essential for us to. The default behaviour will clutter our opportunity object with meaningless records.

Anyone found a workaround to convert leads with creating an Opp in SFDC?
Not applicable
The Convert Lead function in Salesforce's API provides the option of whether an Opportunity is created or not, so this is something that is definitely able to be controlled by any integration. I have an integrated custom-built application that converts our leads without creating Opportunities. Marketo needs to enhance their integration to provide this functionality.
Not applicable
We need this as well.

Not applicable
We are also unable to use the "Convert Lead" feature due to this issue.

There need to be controls (as there are in SFDC) where we choose if we wish to create an opportunity AND/OR an account through the conversion process. Sometimes we wish to convert a lead and create an account, and sometimes a lead may be created an an account that already exists in SFDC, and in these cases we would like to have the option of converting the lead to a contact WITHOUT an account OR an opportunity created. Would also be nice if we can associate leads to existing accounts during the conversion process (if the account already exists in SFDC).
Level 8
Definitely needed! especially the option of not creating new opportunity.
Not applicable
Got my vote too!

I think as well as being able to control the placement of an opportunity, a generally higher level of control in Marketo for SF syncing would be really helpful. We would like to set up Marketo forms for internal use by our sales team, and would like a field by which salespeople can decide whether the lead is pushed to SF as a lead or a contact. This level of control over SF syncing in Marketo would be helpful in a number of cases, I think.
Not applicable
Is this on the roadmap, Marketo? Lack of ability to stop opportunity creation is a 'gotcha' for those situations where we need to convert to contacts in a batch (not best practice I know; but there are several marketingaligning-with-sales use cases that make this a necessity.