Abillity to move forward to a friend box


Abillity to move forward to a friend box

I would love to have the ability to move the forward to a friend box that pops up after you have clicked on the link. It covers up our headers right now so we have to make sure we include special coding when we create our templates to account for this. I'd love to be able to specificy that I want the box to pop up to the side of the email that they see. This way they can see exactly what they are forwarding without any of the form fields getting in the way.
Not applicable
There is a collapse link in the box.  Is it still in the way?


Additionally, you can add CSS to your email to modify the box.  Such as:

#forwardtoFriendDropDown {position: absolute; right: 10px;}

Does this help?
Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it