Ability to use emails saved in design studio in a nurture campaign


Ability to use emails saved in design studio in a nurture campaign

At the moment if you have an email saved in design studio (that has some my tokens in it) and you put it into a nurture stream the my.tokens will fail. It would be great if this worked because then we could only have 1 email saved in the desgin studio and use it in loads of different nurture programs.

Level 10

Hi Mark,

Attention, using program tokens in an email that is stored in the DS is not supported (the docs says it's not supposed to work).


Not applicable

Hi Greg

I couldn't see that in the docs would you be able to send a link?

The strange thing is it works if you are sending using a standard Smart Campaign. It only fails when you use a nurture stream to send.

Level 10

Hi Mark,

In fact, to be more precise, using "my." tokens in a design studio email would only work if the email is sent by a smart campaign that belong to the program were the token is created. As Engagement programs do not use smart campaigns to send emails, it does not work.

More globally, I am not a big fan of emails stored in the design studio, at least not in companies with a large marketing team and a significant marketing activity. If you encourage this practice, you will soon end up with literally hundreds or thousands of emails in the DS and the global management of it, the versions, etc... will be very difficult. And I feel the same with landing pages, BTW. For forms, it' different, since you usually can run even a large Marketo instance with only a small set of forms.


Not applicable

Hi Greg

The reason we have done this is that we are using the same email in a number of different programs and we could clone it x number of times and save within each program but then if we want to make 1 change to the email it needs to be done x times rather than just once.

I think maybe instead of using 1 email saved in DS we should have an email made up of snippets and have that cloned x times and then for updates just change the snippet. (I assume we would then have to go through and approve every email but at least we only make the change on the snippet once).

Let me know if you think of a different/better way of us managing this.

Level 10

Hi Mark,

I feel the snippet approach will be more solid.

There is another solution, which is is to embed programs and not emails in your streams. These programs are quite simple : an email and a smart campaign to send it. And the good news is that you can build these programs outside the engagement program and share it between multiple engagement programs.

See Add a Program to an Engagement Program Stream - Marketo Docs - Product Docs


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