ability to unsubscribe from 'Marketo Support Case Received' emails


ability to unsubscribe from 'Marketo Support Case Received' emails

Everytime i submit a new support case, i don't need a confirmation email. I can easily see all of my cases in the app itself. Also, when a case is closed, i get 2 emails. one telling me the case is closed (unsubscribe, please!), and another for a feedback. 

I get you want feedback, but maybe some other way... i just automatically delete all these emails.

Can i just unsubscribe from them instead?
Level 10
Hi Sam.  We actually have this feature built into your community profile.  If you select MY PROFILE and select EDIT, on the EDIT screen you should see a field titled "Preferred Survey Frequency."  You can select either All, Once a Month, or Never.  Save your changes and this will affect If/When we survey you upon case closure.0EM50000000R0sW.jpg

If you are interested in leaving feedback for a case that has been closed, under your Closed Case view, cases that are eligible for on-demand surveys will feature a button that you can launch the survey from.0EM50000000R0sb.jpg

Not applicable
ah, thanks. i didn't realize that this is what that was referring to. Survey is very general, and i was assuming it was related to random surveys that you guys might be putting out there on marketing automation, etc...
Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it