Ability to turn "Test" Off in email test subject line

Ability to turn "Test" Off in email test subject line

We have an issue where our test emails get caught up in spam filters due to the word "test" being in the subject line. I know there are flow actions that can be used to get around this but thought it might be useful if there was a way to enable sending test emails without it included. anyone else having this issue?
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We expereienced this issue initially as well. I had our IS group enter an exception into our MacAfee SPAM filter that resolved the issue.
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can you send me the information that you provided to your team to do that. We use MacAfee too and sounds exactly like what we need. thanks. michael_turner@beechcraft.com
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Or, perhaps instead of turning it off - allow us to customize is so we can wrap our own workflow around it.
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The "Test" text makes it harder for us to tell in various clients whether the full subject line will be visible in the inbox, which is fairly important for email marketing--definitely would appreciate a feature like this.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas