Ability to see the full name of an email in the Engagement Stream

Ability to see the full name of an email in the Engagement Stream

The Stream tiles don't allow you to see the full email or program name after adding content to the the Engagement Stream, which can make the odds of chosing the right content (especially emails in programs) pretty low.  See screen shot below.  The UI needs to provide the ability to view the full name of the content in the Stream tile.

Not applicable
It could be implemented as showing the whole descriptor when hovering over the content line, but it would be better if the stream columns could be resized.  It is a particular problem when program names are long - for example, 2013-07 salesforce.com Customer Company Tour.[Email name] - you would never get to see the name!
Not applicable
I just started setting up an engagement program and this is the very first issue I ran into!
Not applicable
Like it...we will look at adding a "hover over".
Not applicable
The hover over has been added when you mouse over content in a steam.
Not applicable
Thanks Cheryl!
Community Manager
Status changed to: In Production