Ability to remove email addresses from "send sample email"

Ability to remove email addresses from "send sample email"

It seems like marketo logs the last 10 email aliases used to send test emails to. Would like the ability to remove these as sometimes we send test emails to 3rd party partners we work with and they don't need to be on the list; don't want to accidentally send them an email.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas
Level 1

Accidently sending an email also keeps that same person in the same list perpetually. Theoretically, adding more people to the send-sample will move the row of 10 emails down, but thats a inefficient "work around". If you typo an email address, it also stays their. If someone leaves the company, you can't remove them.


But, re-adding your legitimate email addresses does not "move" those 10 down.