Ability to add or append data to a field, rather than overwrite by default

Ability to add or append data to a field, rather than overwrite by default

It would be great to have the ability, either via list import, or possibly on form submissions, to set data being mapped to certain fields to append to existing data in that particular field, rather than overwrite it.

One example would be for the Description SFDC field, which is a long text field.  This field is probably commonly used by sales reps to write in call notes, or used by the marketing team to write in campaign notes of some sort.  It would be great to have the option to append notes from other campaigns to this field on a list load, rather than either have to map additional notes to a new field or be forced to overwrite whatever is already in this field.
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This would be great!
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This can be accomplished with tokens & multiple fields now, but isn't quite the idea you suggested.
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Yep, I think you can do this on an individual lead basis, but we'd love to be able to mass append - like having the option to concatonate to a specific field through the list import wizard, for example
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Yes. That's what I mean. 

Field 1 -- import field
Field 2 -- history field

Campaign : 

If Field 1 is updated, then change data value - Field 2 - {{lead.Field 1}} {{lead.Field 2}} 

Now you've pushed that data together.

Not applicable
Interesting workaround.  I haven't tried this method myself, but seems like it could work. It looks like this requires the creation of an additional 'holding' field to push data into, which would then be appended...although that field could probably just be a Marketo field so it wouldn't require involvement from a SFDC administrator..
Not applicable
Exactly. You don't need that field in Salesforce as it's only a "holding place" for the data before it's appended to the salesforce field. It definitely works.
Not applicable
Nice workaround. Is there any way to force a line break between the old and new value?
Not applicable

There is legend that there is an ascii line break, but I never got it to work. <br> does nothing. 

So no. What I do instead is put a space then | and another space. " | " in between values.

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Hi Adam - would this only work for a list import mass-append? What about appending data from a form submission if that value is already populated and we want to append new form submission data onto the field?

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This was originally posted in the community, but it didn't get pulled over into the new community, so I copied it to my linkedin.

Concatenation in Marketo | Adam New-Waterson | LinkedIn