A - Z Sorting for All Fields


A - Z Sorting for All Fields

There should be a way to sort all leads in any column. It's useful to be able to do A - Z or Z - A Sorting for All Fields and columns. Thank you.
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This idea is currently "Status: We like it!" but it is more than 1 year and 5 months old. Any status update?
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It's such a pain to have to expore 600 leads just to sort by behavior score...
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Agreed except to support non-alphanumeric sort too. 🙂
Level 4
Please add this functionality!!
Not applicable
Seems like a no-brainer here.
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One more request for this feature!
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Hi Marketo, is this any closer to becoming a reality?  I see it's been 3 years since the original post by Kareem G.

To colleagues that also posted, please 'Like' this comment to get Marketo's attention.

We sooooo need this feature!
Level 10 - Champion Alumni
Any update here?  This core piece of functionality has been an idea - and liked by the product team - for years.  But no progress has been given throughout this entire thread.
Level 2
Absolutely crazy that this doesn't work. Please fix.
Not applicable
Any updates? This has been an idea for at least three years... this seems like a pretty basic function, to be able to sort a list on any column. Can someone from Marketo please provide an update as to where this is in the roadmap?