Re: Have Marketo Tips & Tricks? Share them Here!

Another shortcut

Alt + A = Analytics

Re: Have Marketo Tips & Tricks? Share them Here!

I think it is really useful to create templates for landing pages and emails including editable text and images. It helps to speed-up the daily marketing activities and ensures full alignment with the company communication style.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Have Marketo Tips & Tricks? Share them Here!

Naming conventions are so important! It depends on what works best for your team, but I usually do a [Program type abbreviation] YYYY-MM-DD [Segment or industry] Name-of-program

and PLEASE don't put spaces around your hyphens. Not only does it look clunky, it created extra underscores in your default URLs for Landing Pages.

Not applicable

Re: Have Marketo Tips & Tricks? Share them Here!

Document your Marketo Standard Operating Procedures and have them handy when changes are made to process, naming conventions, offerings, etc. This will be your guide and a critical training tool for any additional team members who assist in/gain access to your Marketo instance. I've found this incredibly important as a one woman show!

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Have Marketo Tips & Tricks? Share them Here!

When thinking about the Sales Funnel, think full life-cycle.  It is like one funnel on another that is upside down.

Customer Advocacy is the ultimate goal out of the "end", not just getting a sale to begin with at the bottleneck where the two funnels meet!

This is the true test of Nurture Marketing.

Re: Have Marketo Tips & Tricks? Share them Here!

How to clone local assets across multiple partitions

Sharing assets across workspaces can be an unfortunately complicated process. What we need to do is clone this email into a "dummy" program to house the asset. From here, we can clone the program along with the asset into another workspace. Once this is finished and we have our email asset in the workspace that we want, we can move or clone this email into any other program.