Re: Dynamic Chat Overview

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Marketo Employee

Dynamic Chat Overview

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Today more and more businesses are adopting chat solutions as a part of their cross-channel marketing strategy to convert leads at a higher rate. With the growing importance of chatbots in B2B Marketing, to fully leverage the potential of chatbots, its crucial to have an integrated chat solution that is built for marketing and sales


We are Introducing Dynamic Chat, a new chatbot solution that enables businesses to create contextual and personalized conversations for every visitor.

Product tour video
Go Live in just 15mins (video)

Key Features:

  • Out of the Box chat Dialogues: Get started quickly with three out-of-the-box chat playbooks designed to support main use cases of chat.
  • Book Meetings with Sales: Remove the friction in the handoff from Marketing to Sales and put web visitors in the driver’s seat with the ability to schedule meetings with Sales reps directly from the chat powered by Gmail and Outlook calendar integrations.
  • Lead and Account Targeting: Deploy the right chat based on detailed lead and account attributes to fully integrate chat into your cross-channel lead and account-based marketing strategies.
  • Define Granular Milestones: Track success along every step of your chat dialogues to understand granular visitor behavior and trigger cross-channel activities.
  • Lead Routing: Use round-robin lead routing logic to appropriately route leads to Sales, making booking appointments seamless and evenly distributed across your team.
  • Chat Analytics: Quickly understand how many conversations have been triggered, interaction rates, conversation completion rates, and more along with an interactive dashboard detailing meetings booked and upcoming meetings.


Things you can do:

  • Book Meeting with sales: Speed up the time from web visit to Sales meeting by allowing web visitors to book meetings directly within the chat window.
  • Lead and account-based targeting: Leverage Marketo Engage’s unique audience data to target both leads and accounts with relevant conversations on your website
  • Proactively Convert Web Visitors: Engage with web visitors through chats to proactively and dynamically convert them and move them through the funnel quickly.
  • Collect Lead Information Quickly and at Scale: Configure dialogues to solicit and collect email addresses, phone numbers, free text, and more for more proactive and dynamic information collection.
  • Track Milestones Across Dialogues: Define specific milestones and goals for dialogues across use cases for detailed analysis and triggering of actions in other channels.


Native Integration with Marketo:

Dynamic Chat is natively integrated into Marketo, every lead information and lead engagement will be pushed into Marketo in near real-time once you activate the sync with one click. This brings an opportunity to enhance your cross-channel strategy with Chatbot as a new marketing channel.


  • Lead & Account Database: Capture more information about leads with new custom chat activities that get appended to the lead record
  • Paid Media: Use chat engagement data to fuel your paid media strategy to get the best ROI with an integrated strategy
  • Email Marketing: Add members to email programs and trigger emails to send based on chat engagement to ensure you engage with relevant email content once the chat is complete.
  • Scoring, Routing, & Alerts: Update lead scores and route leads appropriately based on chat engagement on your website.
  • Adobe Experience Cloud & Audience Sync: Create lists of leads that are engaged with chat and sync them to other Adobe Experience Cloud applications.
  • Events & Webinars: Add engaged chat users to your event and webinar programs to create an integrated and cross-channel experience.



Dynamic Chat is included in Select, Prime, and Ultimate Marketo Engage packages at no additional cost


  • All new customers will get Dynamic Chat automatically
  • Dynamic Chat will also be given to all current customers immediately upon renewal
  • In parallel, we will provide Dynamic Chat to all existing customers in batches throughout 2022
  • If you are interested in early access, please contact your CSM




Feel free to ask any questions related to Dynamic Chat, chatbot use cases for marketing in the comments or  share them with us at


Accepted Solutions
Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Dynamic Chat Overview

@Rajnikantmodi - AFAIK, you can use the country/state/postal code (both actual and inferred) in the audience criteria of the dialogues but you can't specify the time for the chat dialogues to be active. Also, as of now the dynamic chat does not allow routing people to the sales for a live chat, hence business hours may not make sense as of now, at least until the support for live chat isn't added. Also, without the live chat, you can think of dynamic chat as conversational method for collecting data of the visitors who come to your website, hence it would make sense to keep that on 24/7 so that the visitors are presented with dynamic chat dialogue for collecting data at all times.


@Sreekanth_Reddy, please feel free to add / update anything in the above. 🙂


View solution in original post

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Introducing Dynamic Chat for Adobe Marketo Engage

So cool! I am so excited for this and so happy that Marketo introduced this in its offering. Kudos to the wonderful product team.

Level 1

Re: Introducing Dynamic Chat for Adobe Marketo Engage

We use segment to collect data throughout our application. Do you have any plans to integrate the chat feature with segment?

Marketo Employee

Re: Introducing Dynamic Chat for Adobe Marketo Engage

@ksimmons If you have Segment integrated with Marketo, then you can use data from Segment in Dynamic Chat

Level 1

Re: Dynamic Chat Overview

@Sreekanth_Reddy Thanks for the details on the Dynamic Chat. Is there a feature/workflow to keep chatbot ON only for certain business hours per regions?

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Dynamic Chat Overview

@Rajnikantmodi - AFAIK, you can use the country/state/postal code (both actual and inferred) in the audience criteria of the dialogues but you can't specify the time for the chat dialogues to be active. Also, as of now the dynamic chat does not allow routing people to the sales for a live chat, hence business hours may not make sense as of now, at least until the support for live chat isn't added. Also, without the live chat, you can think of dynamic chat as conversational method for collecting data of the visitors who come to your website, hence it would make sense to keep that on 24/7 so that the visitors are presented with dynamic chat dialogue for collecting data at all times.


@Sreekanth_Reddy, please feel free to add / update anything in the above. 🙂


Level 2

Re: Dynamic Chat Overview

When will live routing become available? Is it on the roadmap?

Level 2

Re: Dynamic Chat Overview - removing the bot if not interested


Is there a way for the visitor to the webpage to remove the chat icon if they are not interested or have engaged with the bot? Particulary when reading for examle a blog on the phone it can be a bit annoying.




Marketo Employee

Re: Dynamic Chat Overview - removing the bot if not interested

Very valid ask! Thank you for raising it.  We are working toward providing option to close the chat vs minimize.