Re: How to add a token for Marketo Unique Identifier in a webhook?

Marketo Employee

How to add a token for Marketo Unique Identifier in a webhook?

I need to know what the token is for Marketo Unique Identifier.  I need to pass it to another system so we can create a PURL. 

Robb Barrett
Marketo Employee

Re: How to add a token for Marketo Unique Identifier in a webhook?

Bumping this.

Robb Barrett
Level 7

Re: How to add a token for Marketo Unique Identifier in a webhook?

Hi Robb,

Your request is a little unclear to me. Are you looking for the {{}} token? Or are you looking for someone's personal URL as a token value?

Marketo Employee

Re: How to add a token for Marketo Unique Identifier in a webhook?

I'm looking to add the personal URL identifier as the token value.

Robb Barrett
Level 7

Re: How to add a token for Marketo Unique Identifier in a webhook?

Hi Robb,

After enabling the Personlized URL's in the instance you will see that Marketo accepts two types of values for the personalized URL.

The structure of the URL is:

The two options for the Personalized URL are:

  1. Marketo Unique Name
  2. Marketo Unique Code

Once the personalized URLs have been enabled the database fields for these are:

  1. {{lead.Marketo Unique Name}}
  2. {{lead.Marketo Unique Code}}

Give it a try and see if that works for you.