Hiding forms for known visitors, but still requiring some fields.

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Re: Hiding forms for known visitors, but still requiring some fields.

Hi Janine,

This is a really helpful solution. Have you had any success in embedding as a lightbox? I've created the two forms as directed above and tried embedding either the normal and lightbox code (of the known user form) in the new user form... have not had much luck unfortunately.

Any ideas?

Many thanks,


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Hiding forms for known visitors, but still requiring some fields.

Hi Michelle,

Can you provide a little more detail about what is happening when you attempt to embed the second form into the If Known User custom HTML?

Level 10

Re: Hiding forms for known visitors, but still requiring some fields.

Another one to be relocated to the "products" section.


Level 3 - Champion Alumni

Re: Hiding forms for known visitors, but still requiring some fields.

I tried this solution and found out the hard way that tokens are not recognized in hidden fields on the second form. Still trying to figure out how to solve this problem.

We have a number of hidden fields that are required every time someone submits a form, so the "Known Visitor" function out of the box doesn't work for us, since it only submits a couple of mandatory fields like Munchkin code ID, and Person ID.

We have external systems like Domo that rely on data in the Activity log. So truncated entries are a bummer.

Kelly Jo Horton
Senior Client Partner

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Hiding forms for known visitors, but still requiring some fields.

Not sure if you literally mean tokens as in {{my.tokens}} or {{lead.tokens}} or something else. Maybe you need to rephrase.

If you're talking about hidden field AutoFill from cookies or query params (not tokens proper), while it's true that AutoFill isn't supported out-of-the-box when Known Lead HTML is shown, it's trivial to re-add that functionality using the JS API method addHiddenFields. 

Level 2

Re: Hiding forms for known visitors, but still requiring some fields.

I have the 2nd form embedded in the custom HTML that shows for a known visitor, however it doesn't seem to be populating correctly. The progressive profiling always shows all of the fields. Is there something I need to do to populate the form with the correct values?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Hiding forms for known visitors, but still requiring some fields.

Can you open a new thread in Products​ please?  This discussion shouldn't ever have been in this place -- it's for discussing the Champs incentive program, not support.

Also please provide your URL with the new thread.