Our company finally received workspaces & partitions! Yay!
Unfortunately, Product Docs and support@marketo.com have not yet been able to help us resolve how to move individual Marketing Activity, Design Studio, & Lead Database folders into their appropriate workspaces. Every time we try to move this, we're told an "email is being used by a test and cannot be moved" or that an "asset is in use or being used by other assets".
Do I have to delete all of my previous work and start over? What about my colleague who has been using Marketo twice as long as me?
It doesn't make sense that I cannot simply drag and drop folders into the correct partition. Please help. What am I missing?
Thank you so much for your time!
-Amanda 😃
Hi Amanda,
this is what the doc (Understanding Workspaces and Lead Partitions - Marketo Docs - Product Docs ) says:
To move assets to a new workspace, put them into a folder and drag the folder over to the other workspace.
You can't move a program that contains members from one workspace to another.
Have you tried to put them in folders and move the folders ?
Yep. I'm trying to move folders and getting those error messages. Many others must have had this problem. I don't know why there isn't a Doc on it.