#KreweChats Episode 13: Advanced Reporting

Level 10 - Champion Alumni
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Hey #MKTGNation!


SVMUG leader Jessica Kao​ delivered a fantastic advanced reporting workshop at the latest SVMUG & CHIMUG meetings, so we wanted to pick her brain on a live/recorded webcast! Rachel Egan​, Ande Kempf​, Dory Viscogliosi​, and Juli James​ also lent their expertise to the conversation, and I think this was one of the best episodes we've recorded to date!


We covered a wide gamut of reporting best practices, from where you need to start and the questions you need to ask, all the way through to ​instance architecture and first-touch/multi-touch reporting best practices. No matter where you are on the reporting spectrum, there are definitely a few choice nuggets of wisdom to be gleaned from this episode.



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Not applicable

"Start with the end in mind". Really dug this episode, all. Reporting on only vanity metrics hits home w/me; need to start diving deeper in how I report return on programs (instead of just providing basic rev and open/click events).

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Glad you found some value in it, man. People get stuck on vanity metrics more often than you'd think. It's great for an immediate gut-check, but doesn't really answer any business questions outside of how to build a better mousetrap with emails.

The other big piece with all this fun reporting stuff is mapping a Revenue Cycle Model, if you have the ability to create one in your instance. Tracking funnel stage and velocity is, as the youths say, like, whoa.

Level 6

This was very insightful Joe - thanks for posting. We are definitely guilty of trying to do much and get stuck. We are in the midst of a complete revamp of our reporting process and I'm excited to apply this.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Hey, next time you get stuck, give me a call and let's grab lunch!

Level 6

I will definitely take you up on that, Joe!  Speak soon.