How to build a Marketo Subscription Center

Level 10
Level 10


With the launch of the new Forms 2.0 from Marketo, I wanted to update an oldie in Marketo Community; Subscription Management. A Marketo Subscription Center. Below is a presentation I did last February at the Boston Marketo User Group.

The old Marketo subscription center needed JQuery to check and unchecked boxes of the users unsubscribe and choices. This can be daunting to someone who does not have coding experience.

I wanted to focus around creating smart lists and smart campaigns to do the heavy lifting. Having a smart campaign trigger to listen to changes to static lists using custom fields of topics to subscribe to by opting in and opting out. And of course play with the new Forms 2.0. Feel free to download from SlideShare or attached PDF.

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In this case null = false is ok, I think since it means they have not opted in to the subscription. In other cases I could see that being a problem. I decided to use boolean instead of checkbox at first because it simply was not an option in the dropdown list of the admin area when I was creating a "New Custom Field".

Screen Shot 2015-05-28 at 4.21.23 PM.png

Checkbox was however an option in the form area.

Screen Shot 2015-05-28 at 4.39.17 PM.png

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Great question! I was wondering that myself. @Ed Masson, is there a reason to do static list over smart lists?

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Is there a link to the archive of this webinar somewhere and not just the slides?

Level 10

There was no webinar. I just wrote it up and made a PPT for a User Group meeting.

Level 1


this was one great write up, thanks!

one thing that bothers me is how to enforce the use of the subscription/optout lists in email campaigns moving forward. unlike the default unsubscribe process, it seems that for this kind of process to work everyone operating marketo must be:

1. aware of the lists and how to reference them

2. know which type of email is being sent out in a specific campaign in order to reference the right list

I wonder if you or anyone else can shed some light on this.

thanks again,


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Sorry if I am missing the reply to the other similar questions, but we are in the process of building a subscription center and I am very interested in why you chose to create both Smart and Static lists?  Is it to counter a delay in refreshing the Smart List? 

Level 9

No, you're right about that. I actually avoided a lot of complexity by avoiding the smartlists altogether. I simply have a trigger campaign that sets the values to true when a lead is created, and then use the different opt-in fields as filters in the smart list of my outbound email campaigns.

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I have the same question as Maria - why create both smart and static lists?

Level 10

This idea would come handy to support the subscription center: