Champion Spotlight: Christina Zuniga

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We are starting the Champion Spotlights! We announced our newest Champion class last month, and now it's time to get to know all our Champions a little bit better. Want to learn more about Christina Zuniga? Check out her Q&A below.

Christina Zuniga

What was your first job?

My mom's assistant - she does services invoicing at a tech company. I photocopied and filed expense reports for her. She paid me in Taco Bell, which was my favorite food as a kid.

If someone gave you $5 million tomorrow, what would you do?

My first thought was I'd finally be able to afford a house in Santa Barbara! I'd take the money and go on the best scuba diving vacation ever, probably in Fiji. I'd Princess dive (which is the dive operation takes care of all of your gear, it's amazing).

How and when did you get started with Marketo? What was your first role and initial reaction to the platform?

I had been using Aprimo for 8 years going from user to admin for a global company and wanted more hands on experience with campaigns. I became a Marketing Specialist at a company that had Marketo, but I didn't realize that others in my role did not use it directly.

I befriended the Marketo admins and they showed me tons of cool stuff; Marketo is a totally different experience than other platforms. At that point, I was hooked. I owe a lot to that group - even though my role wasn't expected to use Marketo, they gave me advice, showed me how their programs worked, and let me get some hands on learning. That's when I knew I didn't want to move further away from Marketing Automation."

What is your favorite thing to do in Marketo and why?

I have to pick just one? Setting up complex smart lists and flow steps, I love the logic of it and making everything work. Setting up lead lifecycle was a lot of work, but a ton of fun!

What piece of advice would you give to someone who is just starting a career with Marketo?

Find a mentor who knows the platform well. I had one who was (and is!) fantastic with Marketo. They can help you learn, give you awesome advice and answer your questions when things aren't going the way you expected them to.

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