Looking for MCE sample questions? [5 Questions from Lead Lifecycle]

Looking for MCE sample questions? [5 Questions from Lead Lifecycle]

If you are appearing for your marketo certification exam in 2019 and looking for some sample questions then I can surely help you with that but let me be clear that these are just sample question and they will only help you to have better understanding about the questions pattern.

As of now you must have learned that marketo certification exam is divided into 5 sections as below:

1. Lead Lifecycle

2. Analytics & Reporting

3. Admin & Operational

4. Program Fundamentals

5. Targeting & Personalization

I will be taking first section in this blog and so on.. [If this seems helpful then keep tuned for my next 4 blogs]

1. Lead Lifecycle

This section of exam is more focussed on lead scoring, types of scoring, decision makers to setup lead scoring, best way to store/update lead score, recommended ways to setup sales alert and lead status. You can also say this section is completely focussed on lead lifecycle journey. I am adding here 5 sample questions from lead lifecycle which may help to have better understating about the topic.

Q.1:  Which situation is appropriate for resetting a customer's score to 0 according to Marketo's Lead Scoring Guide?
a. A customer clicks an email and visits a site but has not purchased yet

b. A customer visits a site seven days in a row but has not purchased yet
c. A customer places items in the cart and visits the checkout page but does not purchase for two days
d. A customer purchased one year ago but has not visited a site in six months or opened an email in one year

Q. 2: Who should provide the final approval of a scoring model's targeted buyer persona?

a. Sales
b. Marketing
c. Product manager
d. Chief executive officer

Q. 3: Which two Marketo features allow marketing to pass information on a lead's behavior to a CRM system? (Choose two)

a. Synced data fields
b. System smart lists
c. Marketo Sales Insight
d. Segmentation membership
e. Lead performance report

Q. 4: Which two company stakeholders should be included in the process when creating a scoring plan? (Choose two)

a. Sales
b. Marketing
c. Product Manager
d. Chief executive officer
e. Research and development­­
f. Finance

Q. 5. Which of the following field types allow for you to do basic math?

a. Score

b. Number
c. Formula

d. Boolean

Submit your answers in the comment and then we can have further conversation. I will get you the correct answer after receiving your comment.

With best,

Sant Singh Rathaur

Best regards,
Sant Singh Rathaur

Re: Looking for MCE sample questions? [5 Questions from Lead Lifecycle]

Q1: D

Q2: A

Q3: A, C

Q4: A, B

Q5: A

Please add more question if you have. This is really helpful.


Harish G

Harish Gupta

Re: Looking for MCE sample questions? [5 Questions from Lead Lifecycle]

Q.1:  Which situation is appropriate for resetting a customer's score to 0 according to Marketo's Lead Scoring Guide?

d. A customer purchased one year ago but has not visited a site in six months or opened an email in one year

Q. 2: Who should provide the final approval of a scoring model's targeted buyer persona?

a. Sales

Q. 3: Which two Marketo features allow marketing to pass information on a lead's behavior to a CRM system? (Choose two)

a. Synced data fields
c. Marketo Sales Insight

Q. 4: Which two company stakeholders should be included in the process when creating a scoring plan? (Choose two)

a. Sales
b. Marketing

Q. 5. Which of the following field types allow for you to do basic math?

a. Score

Re: Looking for MCE sample questions? [5 Questions from Lead Lifecycle]



Here are the answers :


Q.1:  Which situation is appropriate for resetting a customer's score to 0 according to Marketo's Lead Scoring Guide?

d. A customer purchased one year ago but has not visited a site in six months or opened an email in one year


Q. 2: Who should provide the final approval of a scoring model's targeted buyer persona?

B. Marketing


Q. 3: Which two Marketo features allow marketing to pass information on a lead's behavior to a CRM system? (Choose two)

a. Synced data fields
c. Marketo Sales Insight


Q. 4: Which two company stakeholders should be included in the process when creating a scoring plan? (Choose two)

a. Sales
b. Marketing


Q. 5. Which of the following field types allow for you to do basic math?

a. Score

Neelam Bakre

Re: Looking for MCE sample questions? [5 Questions from Lead Lifecycle]

Hi Harish Gupta​, All 5 answers are correct!

Best regards,
Sant Singh Rathaur

Re: Looking for MCE sample questions? [5 Questions from Lead Lifecycle]

Hi Sara Barriuso Tapia​, All 5 answers are correct!

Best regards,
Sant Singh Rathaur
Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Looking for MCE sample questions? [5 Questions from Lead Lifecycle]

1. D
2. A
3. A, C
4. A, B
5. A

Re: Looking for MCE sample questions? [5 Questions from Lead Lifecycle]

Mmm...looks like everybody answered and I'm here after the golden hours..

Congratulations all..

Re: Looking for MCE sample questions? [5 Questions from Lead Lifecycle]

Hello Sant Singh Rathaur‌,

Do you have any other questions? I'm almost done with the questions in the "Nation" and other sites. If you have any other questions, please share it so that it would be useful for me to practice. Thank you.


Monika Nimmagadda.

Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Looking for MCE sample questions? [5 Questions from Lead Lifecycle]