Next Level Nurture: Q&A Follow Up

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As a follow up from the June 4, 2020's Next Level Nurture webinar, answers to questions that we couldn't get to during the Q&A section are located here. If you have further questions, feel free to post them in the comments section. You can watch the recording and other resources discussed in the webinar here.


Question Answer
I need to understand the mindset vs. batch pointer in previous slide again please. Batch and trigger are the two options you have for building smart campaigns, in terms of scheduling functionality. If you want your smart campaign to send in near-real time to when an activity occurs (such as filling out a form) you would use a trigger campaign. In the schedule tab, the only option for trigger campaigns is activate or deactivate. Essentially, your campaign is on or off. Batch is when you only use filters and want to schedule your campaign to run at specific time(s). If you are thinking about a nurture initiative and you have trigger or real time email sends, you will likely not want to use the engagement program type, because that program type is designed to send in casts, which are scheduled, pre-set times.
are we able to nest Event program in Default program? No, only Email Programs can be nested in the Default Program Type
How do you define the default use? What does it default to? Default is a Program type that can be used for specific use cases. Here's a breakdown of how each program type is suggested to be used. 
Do you prefer using the transition rules for adding people to a stream or can you recommend using a traffic cop? The options are to use transition rules or smart campaigns. I prefer smart campaigns when you need to control or add additional flow steps. Transition rules are great for standard nurtures where it's a series of email assets being sent at a set cadence, with clear definitions of when a person should move from one stream to another. 
What do you do when someone has finished a campaign? In an Engagement Program there is the concept of Exhaustion for when someone finishes a stream. To truly understand when someone finishes a campaign, it will vary based on how you've built the campaign.
can i see the tranistion rules for MQL AND SAL These will vary based on your business/marketing needs, but many people start with the Sirius Decisions waterfall methodology to determine what will work best for you.
so when using programs inside streams, you have to do a "skip" status. it doesn't appear you have to do that with the emails when not using programs. how is marketo smart enough to do that for emails but not for nested emails? You don't have to do a skip step (there are many use cases where it's not used), but it is an option if your use case warrants it. 
I may have missed it, but how did you know which product they were interested in based on the lead score? For that use case, the marketing team had built out a product specific scoring model to support it. 
Not to go off on too much of a tangent but could you speak a bit more on how you setup the product-specific scoring that drove the product-specific nurture streams?Once they are setup, how to I setup email and other campaigns to trigger the specific product scoring? Here's an article and a webinar on advanced scoring, which includes a breakdown of the product based scoring approach discussed on this webinar.
If someone was in Product A stream, and showed interest in Product C after some time, would there be a smart campaign to remove them from Product A to Product C? or are they just in the Product stream they first exhibited interest in? You could use a Smart campaign to move them to Product C stream, or a transition rules. A person can only be in one stream in an Engagement program at a time, though. 
is it easy to add new emails to the engagement program type?  so if you start with 10 templates and then decide 6 months down the road that you want to add 2 more templates.  can you do that? Yes! That is one of the perks of the Engagement program type. It's very easy to add, remove or archive content within it. 
For the Product based nurture, can it be setup in a use case to qualify people for a demo request? With a much shorter nurture timeline Absolutely!
With the nested programs, do. you need to activate the "skip email" or "engaged" campaigns? For the specific use case I discussed, yes. These are not required to use nested programs, but were built to meet this requirements for this specific use case. It's recommended to always have smart campaigns to update a person's program status, though.
Whats the benefit of nesting programs? Two big ones are more granular reporting and the ability to customize send cadences. 
I am new to Marketo therefore getting used to the program lingo - but what is being shown under the Marketing activities, we do not have the nurture folder as shown in the example? That is a folder I built - you can build one if your instance to put all nurtures in if you'd like. You can build your folders to match however you'd like to organize your programs. 
What's the best way to test an engagement program? I want to test a program I built internally so we can see how it works and is working as we intend but it can take days/weeks/months to progress. Do you have to plan that far ahead to test it? Here's a great checklist of how to test Engagement programs (without nested programs)
I cannot find where nurture set up programs are in our Marketo product

You would go to Create New Program > Program Type = Engagement. If you don't have that option, reach out to your Account Executive or Customer Success Manager to understand why it's not in your instance. 

Are there limitations with the number of "IF" rules in the Flow step? Example if we are using zip code as a filter and trigger email send to specific reps within that zip area. There is not a hard limitation that I'm aware of, but you want to keep it as minimal as possible for the most efficient processing of your campaign. If you're using zip codes to drive rep alignment, you could use segmentations or use static list membership to drive the choice steps so that there is no "processing" Marketo would need to do while the smart campaign is executing.
Can I score the people who passed for all the Nested program and collocated them in a normal program? for example, people who are interested, awareness Yes, you can score on any activity that occurs in Marketo.
Should we use an Engagement program for new software customers that will receive a series of  customer retention onboarding emails? You sure can, especially if the onboarding emails need to be sent at a set cadence! Onboarding campaigns are a very common use case for engagement programs. 
So I would need a nested program to “Add Choice” to a cast in an engagement stream?  As an example, you have a scheduled cast following a contest and want to send a “congratulations” email to the “North” group, and a “thank you for participating” email to the “East” group. Correct, if you let the cast go as normal it will send the next email to everyone eligible in the stream. 
What if I want my engagement program to send multiple times per week? How can I adjust the cadence to make it happen?

You can select multiple days per week in the set stream cadence details. 


In a specific stream can A/B testing for emails be set up? It can but it's generally recommended to test emails prior to putting them in a nurture, as the intention of nurture is to let it run long term.
Can you show the transition rules on that first stream again? I assume that you put that in to get into the 2nd stream. I assume smart campaign is getting people into the first stream.

Yep - the entry to the first stream is via a smart campaign, then transition rules move people throughout the remaining streams.


Where and how do you utilize period costs?

Period costs are used when you want to associate a cost to an program across a specific time period. You can add a period cost to in an Engagement program in the setup tab. A deep dive on period costs is available here.
